Vladmir Handl of the Institute of International Relations introduces and discusses the annual forecast of the influential and prestigious Russian think tank IMEMO – ‘Russia and the World 2015’. An abridged version of the report was published in the last…

In the final issue of our predecessor journal (Perspectives: Review of International Affairs – 02/2014), we published an abridged version of the Russian think tank IMEMO’s annual ‘Russia and the World’ forecast. This was the first time that any version…

Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis appeared on Czech Television’s Horizont (Horizon) current affairs programme to discuss Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis. You can watch the video here – Ben appears from minutes 5:50-9:00.http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/ Your comments are welcome!

By Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň with Petr Kratochvíl, Institute of International Relations, Prague The European Union recently imposed harsh reforms on the Greek government, parliament and people. While the European leaders openly preferred to maintain the burden of an unsustainable debt over…

In the final part of the first instalment of the New Perspectives interview series, Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis asks Dr Claudia Aradau about her work on the ‘Politics of Pity’ and how this relates to the ongoing migration crisis in the…
In the second part of New Perspectives Interview series, the editor-in-chief of New Perspectives journal, Dr. Benjamin Tallis and Dr. Claudia Aradau, discuss the ethics of critical security research and practice. Should the critical security scholars always approach security as…
We are delighted to introduce the first of three videos, in which the editor-in-chief of New Perspectives journal, Dr. Benjamin Tallis, interviews Dr. Claudia Aradau, a Reader in International Politics in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London…
‘Who could possibly want such things?” Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis’ latest piece for Torn Curtain looks at communist era domestic design and the politics of material memory in the Czech Republic. Focusing on the Nanovo furniture company, which rescues and restores…
It’s been well over a year since Russia annexed Crimea, and the cease-fire agreed at Minsk for the fate of war-torn Eastern Ukraine from February 2015 is in tatters. With the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day having just…
Capitalisms in Central Europe: Local Solutions to Local Problems? A recent book highlights the role of the state in creating the different varieties of capitalism that can be seen in the region. Even if the majority of the world population…
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