The shifting essence of Treptower Memorial, Berlin
by Vojtěch Jirásek World War II left many scars on the landscape of Berlin and in its aftermath. Soviets enjoyed building big memorials that were hard not to notice. I’ve studied one of them, the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower…

Lies & Provocations or Myths & Pretexts?: NATO Enlargement and the Origins of the Ukraine Crisis
by Anna Roininen In his address on 18 March 2014, in which President Putin justified the annexation of Crimea, he underlined the humiliation Russia had suffered due to a series of hostile actions and broken promises by the West, including…

How does Russia see the World? The debate on IMEMO Forecasts
The upcoming issue of New Perspectives will feature a forum on the second installment of the IMEMO Forecast – an analytical report on Russian foreign and security policy, geopolitics and political economy. It is already a second forum on the…
Daniel Šitera: On New Travels in Space-Time: Theoretical Rediscoveries after the Crisis in (Comparative) Capitalism(s)
By Daniel Šitera Using the ‘travelling theory’ paradigm, this article reviews two progressive books in the Comparative Capitalisms (CC) scholarship; New Directions in Comparative Capitalisms Research: Critical and Global Perspectives (eds.: Matthias Ebenau, Ian Bruff & Christian May) and The…
Call for Papers: Politics of Food & Drink in and of CEE
Abstracts: (200 words) to Gábor Egry egry.gabor75@gmail.com & Benjamin Tallis tallis@iir.cz by 30/11/2015 The politics of food and drink and understandings of food and drink as politics are underexplored in the Central and East European context. New Perspectives seeks to help…
New Perspectives – First Issue Out Now!
New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central & East European Politics and International Relations I am delighted to present this first issue of New Perspectives here on our blog – our subscribers have access to the full contents of the journal, which…
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