Hard Lessons from the Manchester attack
Our Editor-in-Chief, Benjamin Tallis, comes from #Manchester and has combined personal reflections on the tragic attacks in the city with his professional expertise in security studies and understanding political violence in recent days. “It was tough waking up to the terrible news…

Article ahead of print – Twilight of the Proletariat: Reading Critical Balkanology as Liberal Ideology
by Rade Zinaić Inspired above all by Edward Said’s Orientalism, Critical Balkanology unveils and criticises the ways of depicting Balkans in the dominant Western narrative. Under the Western gaze, the Balkans is imagined – and desired – as a savage place,…

Article ahead of print – On New Travels in Space-time: Theoretical Rediscoveries after the Crisis in (Comparative) Capitalism(s)
In Vol. 23(02) (2015), we published an insightful and provocative review essay by Daniel Šitera on two recent and highly influential edited collections in the field of International Political Economy (IPE). We are now delighted to present the responses of…

Dissent and protest art in the 21st century
Last week saw an interesting exchange of opinions on fundamental values of being against or outside the “system”. The event’s protagonists are two artists residing in Prague. They are Oleg Vorotnikov from the art group Voina and Roman Týc from…

How does Russia see the World? The debate on IMEMO Forecasts
The upcoming issue of New Perspectives will feature a forum on the second installment of the IMEMO Forecast – an analytical report on Russian foreign and security policy, geopolitics and political economy. It is already a second forum on the…

A New Translation of Nezval’s poems: The Absolute Gravedigger
We are delighted to share a new translation of one of the most interesting Czech surrealist authors, Vítězslav Nezval. To quote Stephan Delbos & Tereza Novická, authors of a new translation of The Absolute Gravedigger, “[This collection] is dazzling. Nezval’s musicality and imagery…
CfP: Critical Security Studies meets Critical Policy Studies: New Perspectives on Politics, Knowledge, and Security
Call for Papers for the panel titled Critical Security Studies meets Critical Policy Studies: New Perspectives on Politics, Knowledge, and Security at the European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR General Conference on September 7 – 10, 2016 in Prague….
Russia and the World 2015: Vladimír Handl on the IMEMO Forecast
Vladmir Handl of the Institute of International Relations introduces and discusses the annual forecast of the influential and prestigious Russian think tank IMEMO – ‘Russia and the World 2015’. An abridged version of the report was published in the last…
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