Sudeten Ghosts
by Derek Sayer “Years ago we saw No-Man’s-Land, in a film, and because the film took place in 1918, we thought, fools that we were, that it was past history. We went home from the cinema with a feeling of pride…

Czech Presidental Election 2018 Debate in English – Foreign Policy & International Relations
VIDEO BROADCAST: Seznam Zprávy – https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/jak-mluvi-prezidentsti-kandidati-anglicky-kdo-prisel-do-neobvykle-debay-jak-mu-to-slo-a-kdo-otmitl-41463 (For the English Only version – without overdubbed Czech translation – scroll to the video at the bottom of the page on the link) Venue: American Academy in Prague Candidates: Pavel Fischer, Marek Hilšer, Michal…

Language and War in Contemporary Ukraine
by Francis Scarr The author is a Research Assistant Intern at the Institute of International Relations in Prague. Since Ukraine’s declaration of independence in 1991, the country has grappled, at times clumsily, with the task of establishing consensus over the…

LGBT+ COMMUNITY IN CZECH REPUBLIC: Tolerance or Indifference?
by Gioia Zurzolo The Czech Republic is considered one of the most tolerant countries in CEE towards the LGBT+ community. For instance, it was the first post-communist country to legalize same-sex registered partnerships, preceding many other European countries in making some…

Between Karel Čapek and a Hard Brexit
Reflections on robotics and humanity[*] by Derek Sayer In memory of those murdered at Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 I met Murder on the way— He had a mask like Castlereagh— Very smooth he looked, yet grim; Seven blood-hounds…

Call for Papers: Post-Truth Telling in International Relations: Misdiagnosis, Complacency and Critique
Call for Papers for a forthcoming Special Section of New Perspectives. Recent events and dynamics in world politics, including the election of Donald Trump in America, the conduct of the Brexit campaign, and concerns about information warfare in the context…

Hard Lessons from the Manchester attack
Our Editor-in-Chief, Benjamin Tallis, comes from #Manchester and has combined personal reflections on the tragic attacks in the city with his professional expertise in security studies and understanding political violence in recent days. “It was tough waking up to the terrible news…

Article ahead of print – Twilight of the Proletariat: Reading Critical Balkanology as Liberal Ideology
by Rade Zinaić Inspired above all by Edward Said’s Orientalism, Critical Balkanology unveils and criticises the ways of depicting Balkans in the dominant Western narrative. Under the Western gaze, the Balkans is imagined – and desired – as a savage place,…

Article ahead of print – On New Travels in Space-time: Theoretical Rediscoveries after the Crisis in (Comparative) Capitalism(s)
In Vol. 23(02) (2015), we published an insightful and provocative review essay by Daniel Šitera on two recent and highly influential edited collections in the field of International Political Economy (IPE). We are now delighted to present the responses of…

The shifting essence of Treptower Memorial, Berlin
by Vojtěch Jirásek World War II left many scars on the landscape of Berlin and in its aftermath. Soviets enjoyed building big memorials that were hard not to notice. I’ve studied one of them, the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower…
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