01/2016 Editorial – Living in Post-truth: Power/Knowledge/Responsibility
Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief Much has already been written and said about the UK’s Referendum on EU membership and on the vote in favour of Brexit. This editorial1 does not seek to rehash the many insightful analyses and heartfelt commentaries on…

A New Translation of Nezval’s poems: The Absolute Gravedigger
We are delighted to share a new translation of one of the most interesting Czech surrealist authors, Vítězslav Nezval. To quote Stephan Delbos & Tereza Novická, authors of a new translation of The Absolute Gravedigger, “[This collection] is dazzling. Nezval’s musicality and imagery…

Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History
By Lenka Bydžovská The sociologist and cultural historian Derek Sayer’s books on Czech history and art are characterized by their wittingly provocative titles, which refer to classic works. Sayer borrows the title The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History (1998)…
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