Originally Published by Visegrad Insight By Benjamin Cunningham Though it almost never seems that way, Europeans actually feel quite good about the European Union. There were only two member states (Cyprus and Austria) where a plurality of people had a…

By Lenka Bydžovská The sociologist and cultural historian Derek Sayer’s books on Czech history and art are characterized by their wittingly provocative titles, which refer to classic works. Sayer borrows the title The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History (1998)…

by Derek Sayer American politicians’ xenophobic attitudes to refugees generate international controversy, while similar sentiments expressed by politicians in Prague pass largely unnoticed. Professor Derek Sayer argues that we should not ignore events in the Czech capital as, despite the efforts…

Johan van der Walt The resort to states of emergency in response to Islamic extremism reveals Europe’s own Ordo-Liberal extremism. Philosopher and legal theorist Professor Johan van der Walt argues that this form of governance, based on fundamentalist market moralism,…

This paper reverses the order in which the Eurozone crisis is usually examined. Rather than a crisis of sovereign debt, caused by profligate peripheral governments and rectified by virtuous thrifty Germans, Latvians and Finns, I argue that the origin of…
By Rachel Epstein The plight of refugees arriving in Europe has been grim, and it could get grimmer if Europeans interpret the attacks on Paris as having resulted from the European Union’s asylum policies. Refugees have been exposed to the…

This guest post was written by David Rypel. Even though Yerevan is said to be 29 years older than Rome, it is difficult to find any parts of the old city that predate modern constructions. There are, of course, some…

Abstracts: (200 words) to Gábor Egry egry.gabor75@gmail.com & Benjamin Tallis tallis@iir.cz by 30/11/2015 The politics of food and drink and understandings of food and drink as politics are underexplored in the Central and East European context. New Perspectives seeks to help…
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis for Reporter Magazine I am a foreigner. A migrant. I live and work in Prague, the city that has become my adopted home. No one forced me to come here, nor even invited me – I decided to come here myself….
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