In Vol. 23(02) (2015), we published an insightful and provocative review essay by Daniel Šitera on two recent and highly influential edited collections in the field of International Political Economy (IPE). We are now delighted to present the responses of…

by Vojtěch Jirásek World War II left many scars on the landscape of Berlin and in its aftermath. Soviets enjoyed building big memorials that were hard not to notice. I’ve studied one of them, the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower…

by Anna Roininen In his address on 18 March 2014, in which President Putin justified the annexation of Crimea, he underlined the humiliation Russia had suffered due to a series of hostile actions and broken promises by the West, including…

by David Rypel The text analyses a way in which Ukrainian official discourse –represented here by a spokesperson on matters related to the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation – constructs the Enemy whom the military confronts in the east of the country….

by Donatella Bonansinga The current populist turn in Central and Eastern Europe might seem surprising or puzzling to some. The Visegrad Group (V4), born to further the European integration of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, is now acting as an…

New Perspectives – 02/2016 – Out Now! We are delighted to present issue 02/2016 of New Perspectives – our subscribers have access to the full contents of the journal, which are listed and linked-to below. However, we are also very…

Read also the first part of the interview with Ty Solomon, which discusses emotions in politics, the affective turn in International Relations, Trump and Brexit. Ty Solomon, new member of New Perspectives’ Editorial Board, speaks to NP’s deputy editor-in-chief Jakub…

Ty Solomon, new member of New Perspectives’ Editorial Board, speaks to NP’s deputy editor-in-chief Jakub Eberle. The interview was conducted on the occasion of Ty’s lecture on ‘Affect and the Arab Spring’ at the Institute of International Relations, Prague. Jakub…

Interview by the Czech Radio. Today, we witness a fundamental change of the Putin’s regime: Russia is heading towards late putinism, where ambitious figures disappear and the more dependent and faithful emerge. Their wish to obey the ruler’s desires could…
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