by Gioia Zurzolo The Czech Republic is considered one of the most tolerant countries in CEE towards the LGBT+ community. For instance, it was the first post-communist country to legalize same-sex registered partnerships, preceding many other European countries in making some…

Dr Kyle Grayson, University of Newcastle Monday 26th June, 2017; 16:00 Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague The Centre for European Security of the Institute of International Relations and the journal New Perspectives of the IIR have the pleasure…

Reflections on robotics and humanity[*] by Derek Sayer In memory of those murdered at Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 I met Murder on the way— He had a mask like Castlereagh— Very smooth he looked, yet grim; Seven blood-hounds…

Call for Papers for a forthcoming Special Section of New Perspectives. Recent events and dynamics in world politics, including the election of Donald Trump in America, the conduct of the Brexit campaign, and concerns about information warfare in the context…

Two linked panels on Populist Nationalism and the New Authoritarianism contact Prof Emeritus Martin O. Heisler at mheisler@umd.edu to submit an abstract for consideration (200 words max). Panel 1 Populist Nationalism and the New Authoritanism I: Internal Sources and Cross-state Diffusion…

Our Editor-in-Chief, Benjamin Tallis, comes from #Manchester and has combined personal reflections on the tragic attacks in the city with his professional expertise in security studies and understanding political violence in recent days. “It was tough waking up to the terrible news…

IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences ‘Russia & The World’ 2017 Forecast. Download the full IMEMO forecast here. Editor’s Introduction Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief, New Perspectives For the third successive year, New Perspectives is delighted to publish, exclusively in English, the annual ‘Russia…

Editorial 01/2017 [i], Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief, New Perspectives In the fountain Amid the square Floats A diver Searching For yesterday’s sunset Vítězslav Nezval, ‘Bizarre Town – 14’, The Absolute Gravedigger. To read the full issue visit our website The recent ISA annual…

Read the full article – The Helsinki Syndrome by Tapio Juntunen – in Online First Helsinki Syndrome, Definition: Psychology: Colloquial misnomer for Stockholm Syndrome International Relations (practice): Unfavourable domestic political culture stemming from an ultra-realist and circumspect reading of one’s foreign policy latitude in…
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