Outlook from Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border
by Balthazar Mandahl Forsberg In this short piece I share some of my experiences and observations from my stay in Idomeni as a volunteer. I’ll try to give a brief overview over work of independent volunteer groups in the camp…
Prejudice, Hysteria and a Failure of Political Leadership: Of Refugees and November 17 in Prague
by Derek Sayer American politicians’ xenophobic attitudes to refugees generate international controversy, while similar sentiments expressed by politicians in Prague pass largely unnoticed. Professor Derek Sayer argues that we should not ignore events in the Czech capital as, despite the efforts…
Benjamin Tallis on Europe’s Migration Crisis – Czech Television – Horizont – CT24
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis appeared on Czech Television’s Horizont (Horizon) current affairs programme to discuss Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis. You can watch the video here – Ben appears from minutes 5:50-9:00.http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/ Your comments are welcome!
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