ONLINE FIRST – FORUM: Peter Sloterdijk’s ‘Pseudonymous Politics’
We are delighted to publish a forum of responses to the original essay by world-famous philosopher Peter Sloterdijk that we recently published in New Perspectives. The FORUM is available for FREE download here The Original Essay is available for FREE download here The essay was…
Online First – Peter Sloterdijk: ‘On Pseudonymous Politics’
We are delighted to publish a new, original essay by world-famous philosopher Peter Sloterdijk in New Perspectives. The ESSAY is available for FREE download here A FORUM of RESPONSES to the article is available for FREE download here ‘On Pseudonymous Politics: Regarding Implicit and Explicit…

Lies & Provocations or Myths & Pretexts?: NATO Enlargement and the Origins of the Ukraine Crisis
by Anna Roininen In his address on 18 March 2014, in which President Putin justified the annexation of Crimea, he underlined the humiliation Russia had suffered due to a series of hostile actions and broken promises by the West, including…

Italy: An Oracle on Populism for CEE
by Donatella Bonansinga The current populist turn in Central and Eastern Europe might seem surprising or puzzling to some. The Visegrad Group (V4), born to further the European integration of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, is now acting as an…

The Desert of the Real
Originally Published by Visegrad Insight By Benjamin Cunningham Though it almost never seems that way, Europeans actually feel quite good about the European Union. There were only two member states (Cyprus and Austria) where a plurality of people had a…
Call for Papers: Politics of Food & Drink in and of CEE
Abstracts: (200 words) to Gábor Egry egry.gabor75@gmail.com & Benjamin Tallis tallis@iir.cz by 30/11/2015 The politics of food and drink and understandings of food and drink as politics are underexplored in the Central and East European context. New Perspectives seeks to help…
New Perspectives – First Issue Out Now!
New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central & East European Politics and International Relations I am delighted to present this first issue of New Perspectives here on our blog – our subscribers have access to the full contents of the journal, which…
Benjamin Tallis on Europe’s Migration Crisis – Czech Television – Horizont – CT24
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis appeared on Czech Television’s Horizont (Horizon) current affairs programme to discuss Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis. You can watch the video here – Ben appears from minutes 5:50-9:00.http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/ Your comments are welcome!
‘Nothing is imposed in this policy!’: From the European Neighbourhood to Greece
By Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň with Petr Kratochvíl, Institute of International Relations, Prague The European Union recently imposed harsh reforms on the Greek government, parliament and people. While the European leaders openly preferred to maintain the burden of an unsustainable debt over…
Protect me from What I Want? The Migration Crisis & The Limits of the Politics of Pity
In the final part of the first instalment of the New Perspectives interview series, Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis asks Dr Claudia Aradau about her work on the ‘Politics of Pity’ and how this relates to the ongoing migration crisis in the…
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