Czech Presidental Election 2018 Debate in English – Foreign Policy & International Relations
VIDEO BROADCAST: Seznam Zprávy – https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/jak-mluvi-prezidentsti-kandidati-anglicky-kdo-prisel-do-neobvykle-debay-jak-mu-to-slo-a-kdo-otmitl-41463 (For the English Only version – without overdubbed Czech translation – scroll to the video at the bottom of the page on the link) Venue: American Academy in Prague Candidates: Pavel Fischer, Marek Hilšer, Michal…
Online First – Cultural Cut – Aliens & Herons by Pavel Karous
A Guide to Fine Art in the Public Space in the Era of Normalisation in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989) The full Cultural Cut is available for FREE Download here Reviving the ‘Exhausted Modern’ Unrivalled in its scope and ambition, yet firmly grounded…

LGBT+ COMMUNITY IN CZECH REPUBLIC: Tolerance or Indifference?
by Gioia Zurzolo The Czech Republic is considered one of the most tolerant countries in CEE towards the LGBT+ community. For instance, it was the first post-communist country to legalize same-sex registered partnerships, preceding many other European countries in making some…

Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History
By Lenka Bydžovská The sociologist and cultural historian Derek Sayer’s books on Czech history and art are characterized by their wittingly provocative titles, which refer to classic works. Sayer borrows the title The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History (1998)…
Prejudice, Hysteria and a Failure of Political Leadership: Of Refugees and November 17 in Prague
by Derek Sayer American politicians’ xenophobic attitudes to refugees generate international controversy, while similar sentiments expressed by politicians in Prague pass largely unnoticed. Professor Derek Sayer argues that we should not ignore events in the Czech capital as, despite the efforts…
New Perspectives – First Issue Out Now!
New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central & East European Politics and International Relations I am delighted to present this first issue of New Perspectives here on our blog – our subscribers have access to the full contents of the journal, which…
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