Sudeten Ghosts
by Derek Sayer “Years ago we saw No-Man’s-Land, in a film, and because the film took place in 1918, we thought, fools that we were, that it was past history. We went home from the cinema with a feeling of pride…

Czech Presidental Election 2018 Debate in English – Foreign Policy & International Relations
VIDEO BROADCAST: Seznam Zprávy – https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/jak-mluvi-prezidentsti-kandidati-anglicky-kdo-prisel-do-neobvykle-debay-jak-mu-to-slo-a-kdo-otmitl-41463 (For the English Only version – without overdubbed Czech translation – scroll to the video at the bottom of the page on the link) Venue: American Academy in Prague Candidates: Pavel Fischer, Marek Hilšer, Michal…
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