Sudeten Ghosts
by Derek Sayer “Years ago we saw No-Man’s-Land, in a film, and because the film took place in 1918, we thought, fools that we were, that it was past history. We went home from the cinema with a feeling of pride…

Between Karel Čapek and a Hard Brexit
Reflections on robotics and humanity[*] by Derek Sayer In memory of those murdered at Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 I met Murder on the way— He had a mask like Castlereagh— Very smooth he looked, yet grim; Seven blood-hounds…

Lies & Provocations or Myths & Pretexts?: NATO Enlargement and the Origins of the Ukraine Crisis
by Anna Roininen In his address on 18 March 2014, in which President Putin justified the annexation of Crimea, he underlined the humiliation Russia had suffered due to a series of hostile actions and broken promises by the West, including…

Terrorists and pro-Russian militants: Depictions of the Enemy in the Ukrainian conflict
by David Rypel The text analyses a way in which Ukrainian official discourse –represented here by a spokesperson on matters related to the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation – constructs the Enemy whom the military confronts in the east of the country….

Benjamin Tallis on Europe’s Migration Crisis – Czech Television – Horizont – CT24
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis appeared on Czech Television’s Horizont (Horizon) current affairs programme to discuss Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis. You can watch the video here – Ben appears from minutes 5:50-9:00.http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/ Your comments are welcome!

‘Nothing is imposed in this policy!’: From the European Neighbourhood to Greece
By Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň with Petr Kratochvíl, Institute of International Relations, Prague The European Union recently imposed harsh reforms on the Greek government, parliament and people. While the European leaders openly preferred to maintain the burden of an unsustainable debt over…
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