Protect me from What I Want? The Migration Crisis & The Limits of the Politics of Pity
In the final part of the first instalment of the New Perspectives interview series, Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis asks Dr Claudia Aradau about her work on the ‘Politics of Pity’ and how this relates to the ongoing migration crisis in the…

Time to CEE New Perspectives
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is among the most fascinating, diverse and complex regions in the world. It is also one of the most misunderstood and often overlooked. We seek to change that by enhancing understanding of and engagement with CEE,…

Panel Stories: Public Lies & Private Lives in Paneláks and Sídlištěs
Prejudiced and Prefabricated Judgements obscure the lives that were, are and can be lived in housing estates built during the communist period. Debunking these myths – these panel stories[1] – can help promote wider and deeper reflections on the communist period,…

Velvet Underground
Re-blogged from Torn Curtain. By Benjamin Tallis Prague’s trams are its mechanised flaneurs; their scenic routes criss-cross the city in a dense meshwork that makes them a prominent feature of street-life in the Bohemian capital. For those leisured travellers with…
Europe’s Migration Crisis – Central Europe’s Dangerous Game
By Benjamin Tallis and Michal Simecka, Centre for European Security, Institute of International Relations Should a serious migration crisis erupt as a result of conflict escalation in Ukraine, the odds are that the V4 would need assistance through exactly the…
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