Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light
Editorial 01/2017 [i], Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief, New Perspectives In the fountain Amid the square Floats A diver Searching For yesterday’s sunset Vítězslav Nezval, ‘Bizarre Town – 14’, The Absolute Gravedigger. To read the full issue visit our website The recent ISA annual…

Article Ahead of Print – Helsinki Syndrome: The Parachronistic Renaissance of Finlandization in International Politics
Read the full article – The Helsinki Syndrome by Tapio Juntunen – in Online First Helsinki Syndrome, Definition: Psychology: Colloquial misnomer for Stockholm Syndrome International Relations (practice): Unfavourable domestic political culture stemming from an ultra-realist and circumspect reading of one’s foreign policy latitude in…

New Perspectives Issue 02/2016 Out Now!
New Perspectives – 02/2016 – Out Now! We are delighted to present issue 02/2016 of New Perspectives – our subscribers have access to the full contents of the journal, which are listed and linked-to below. However, we are also very…

01/2016 Editorial – Living in Post-truth: Power/Knowledge/Responsibility
Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief Much has already been written and said about the UK’s Referendum on EU membership and on the vote in favour of Brexit. This editorial1 does not seek to rehash the many insightful analyses and heartfelt commentaries on…

02/2015 Editorial: Constellation to Constellation: Situation, Encounter & Doubt
By Benjamin Tallis, Editor-in-Chief Low was a reaction to having gone through that peculiar… that dull greenie-grey limelight of America and its repercussions; pullingmyself out of it and getting to Europe and saying, For God’s sake re-evaluate why you wanted…

The Sun Also Rises
By Benjamin Tallis However, as so often when responding quickly, perhaps even hastily to acts of political violence or terrorism, the effectiveness of these measures is uncertain. Much of the ‘security’ they purport to provide is an illusion that can…

Call for Papers: Politics of Food & Drink in and of CEE
Abstracts: (200 words) to Gábor Egry egry.gabor75@gmail.com & Benjamin Tallis tallis@iir.cz by 30/11/2015 The politics of food and drink and understandings of food and drink as politics are underexplored in the Central and East European context. New Perspectives seeks to help…
A Migrant’s Story
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis for Reporter Magazine I am a foreigner. A migrant. I live and work in Prague, the city that has become my adopted home. No one forced me to come here, nor even invited me – I decided to come here myself….

Russia and the World 2015: IMEMO Forecast
In the final issue of our predecessor journal (Perspectives: Review of International Affairs – 02/2014), we published an abridged version of the Russian think tank IMEMO’s annual ‘Russia and the World’ forecast. This was the first time that any version…

Benjamin Tallis on Europe’s Migration Crisis – Czech Television – Horizont – CT24
Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Tallis appeared on Czech Television’s Horizont (Horizon) current affairs programme to discuss Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis. You can watch the video here – Ben appears from minutes 5:50-9:00.http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/ Your comments are welcome!
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