Article ahead of print – On New Travels in Space-time: Theoretical Rediscoveries after the Crisis in (Comparative) Capitalism(s)
In Vol. 23(02) (2015), we published an insightful and provocative review essay by Daniel Šitera on two recent and highly influential edited collections in the field of International Political Economy (IPE). We are now delighted to present the responses of several of the editors of those collections, Richard Westra, Ian Bruff and Matthias Ebenau (the latter two writing together), which contest and contextualise Šitera’s interpretations but also show the potential of his analysis to carry forward the conversation on (and in) the Comparative Capitalisms debate. Šitera then provides a stirring rejoinder that will give scholars within, but also beyond IPE pause for thought as it speaks to some of the key debates of our time, the perennial ‘reform versus revolution’ debate and the role of normativity in scholarly analysis more widely. We are, therefore, delighted to provide a platform for this important conversation and hope to see it continue in various forms on these pages in issues to come.
Read the piece in Online first.