A Symposium on the Crisis in Ukraine
It’s been well over a year since Russia annexed Crimea, and the cease-fire agreed at Minsk for the fate of war-torn Eastern Ukraine from February 2015 is in tatters. With the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day having just…
Capitalisms in Central Europe: Local Solutions to Local Problems?
Capitalisms in Central Europe: Local Solutions to Local Problems? A recent book highlights the role of the state in creating the different varieties of capitalism that can be seen in the region. Even if the majority of the world population…

Time to CEE New Perspectives
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is among the most fascinating, diverse and complex regions in the world. It is also one of the most misunderstood and often overlooked. We seek to change that by enhancing understanding of and engagement with CEE,…
Call for Contributions – Open
Call for Contributions: Now Open! Share your perspective on Central and Eastern Europe on our blog CEE New Perspectives! Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is among the most fascinating, diverse and complex regions in the world. It is also one…

Panel Stories: Public Lies & Private Lives in Paneláks and Sídlištěs
Prejudiced and Prefabricated Judgements obscure the lives that were, are and can be lived in housing estates built during the communist period. Debunking these myths – these panel stories[1] – can help promote wider and deeper reflections on the communist period,…
Publishing in Top Academic Journals – Notes From the Masterclass With Claudia Aradau
Last week, the journal New Perspectives and the Centre for European Security of the Institute of International Relations had the pleasure to host two exiting events featuring Dr. Claudia Aradau, a Reader in International Politics in the Department of War…
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